Shior (シオー) ブランド立ち上げにあたり、OEMカスタムギター製作で授かった経験を生かし、音楽の歴史を作ってきた様々なヴィンテージギターをリスペクト。ここへ新しいアイデアと製作スキルを注ぎ、多くの弾き手から求められるギターを世に送り出せるよう努めていきます
Made in Matsumoto, Nagano - An Environment Rich in Nature.
Whether playing live or recording, realize a stable tone for any scenario.
The reliable precision of the neck provides an excellent sense of pitch
A faithful output of the player’s energy.
The reliable precision of the neck provides an excellent sense of pitch
A faithful output of the player’s energy.
At the time of starting up the Shior brand, we put to use our experience in OEM and custom guitar manufacturing, while respecting the vintage guitars that made music history, culminating into new ideas and production techniques.
Concentrating all of our skills, we are working hard to produce guitars sought after by performers of many different genres.
Concentrating all of our skills, we are working hard to produce guitars sought after by performers of many different genres.

Wooden Parts Manufacturing
From seasoning timber to putting on the finishing touches, our process goes through dozens of stages, carefully taking our time to complete our product. In particular, we think the neck is the backbone of the guitar itself. In order to be played for generations, we put our hearts into making a strong neck with few imperfections and excellent durability.
We are sure to check the moisture content of the dehydrated lumber when it arrives in our workshop, with large pieces of wood then making the next round to the seasoning room where we carefully take our time to manage and control the process. At this stage of manufacturing, we use three-phase electricity to power dehumidifiers manufactured by ORION to control the humidity while continuing the operation.
Pre-shaping~inserting the truss rod~pre-cutting the grip~bonding the fingerboard~final shaping~cutting the grip~sanding the fingerboard radius - Our manufacturing process creates a stable neck, removing flaws at each step of the way.
Pre-shaping~inserting the truss rod~pre-cutting the grip~bonding the fingerboard~final shaping~cutting the grip~sanding the fingerboard radius - Our manufacturing process creates a stable neck, removing flaws at each step of the way.

In Shior products we have focused all of our skills, putting to use our experience up until now and inherited techniques. In particular, we think the neck is the backbone of the guitar itself and its precision is very important.
From seasoning timber to putting on the finishing touches, our process goes through dozens of stages, carefully taking our time and putting our hearts into our product. Through collaboration with specialists in each field, we have been able to complete Shior.
We’re confident that we produce a tool that is pleasant and stress-free for the player, which feels good and plays smoothly whether used live, during recording, or any other scenario. Please try playing Shior in your own hands.
We believe we can make a high-end player’s heart flutter.
Joined YAMA GAKKI in 1983
Engaged in the manufacture of custom guitars and OEM of high-end producers as the workshop chief.
Development and manufacture of Shior products.
From seasoning timber to putting on the finishing touches, our process goes through dozens of stages, carefully taking our time and putting our hearts into our product. Through collaboration with specialists in each field, we have been able to complete Shior.
We’re confident that we produce a tool that is pleasant and stress-free for the player, which feels good and plays smoothly whether used live, during recording, or any other scenario. Please try playing Shior in your own hands.
We believe we can make a high-end player’s heart flutter.
Joined YAMA GAKKI in 1983
Engaged in the manufacture of custom guitars and OEM of high-end producers as the workshop chief.
Development and manufacture of Shior products.

89年から音楽活動を始め、オノ・ヨーコ、坂本龍一、コーネリアス、デヴィッド・バーン、ルー・ リード、ショーン・レノン、など国内外のアーティストのレコーディング、ライブで共演のキャリアを持つ。2003年から、あらきゆうこのプロジェクトMI-GUのアルバム・プロデュースを手掛け、テキサス、NY、ロス、サンフラン、アイスランドといった海外でもライブを行う。2006年からコーネリアスのTHE CORNLIUS GROUPに参加し、以降の日本国内を含むワールドツアーでもプレイ。2009年にオノ・ヨーコのYoko Ono PLASTIC ONO BAND『BETWEEN MY HEAD AND THE SKY』にギタリストとして参加。2011年には、チボ・マットの本田ゆか、ペトラ・ヘイデン、あらきゆうこと共にバンドIF BY YESとして1stアルバム『Salt on Sea Glass』をキメラ・ミュージックよりリリース。 Mike Watt、Nels Cline、あらきゆうこと共に結成したプロジェクト、Brother’s Sister’s Daughterの1stアルバムも2014年にリリース。自身のソロ・アルバム『3579』を2013年にリリースしている。
89年から音楽活動を始め、オノ・ヨーコ、坂本龍一、コーネリアス、デヴィッド・バーン、ルー・ リード、ショーン・レノン、など国内外のアーティストのレコーディング、ライブで共演のキャリアを持つ。2003年から、あらきゆうこのプロジェクトMI-GUのアルバム・プロデュースを手掛け、テキサス、NY、ロス、サンフラン、アイスランドといった海外でもライブを行う。2006年からコーネリアスのTHE CORNLIUS GROUPに参加し、以降の日本国内を含むワールドツアーでもプレイ。2009年にオノ・ヨーコのYoko Ono PLASTIC ONO BAND『BETWEEN MY HEAD AND THE SKY』にギタリストとして参加。2011年には、チボ・マットの本田ゆか、ペトラ・ヘイデン、あらきゆうこと共にバンドIF BY YESとして1stアルバム『Salt on Sea Glass』をキメラ・ミュージックよりリリース。 Mike Watt、Nels Cline、あらきゆうこと共に結成したプロジェクト、Brother’s Sister’s Daughterの1stアルバムも2014年にリリース。自身のソロ・アルバム『3579』を2013年にリリースしている。
Guitarist, Bassist, Singer, Composer from Japan.With the Drummer Yuko Araki they form Mi-gu and make three albums.
Member of The Cornelius Group and Plastic Ono Band.
With Yuko Araki, Petra Haden and Yuka Honda they make the group ”If by yes”.He play with Mike Watt, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Sean Lennon, David Byrne, Lou Reed, Nels Cline,Ornette Coleman…
Member of The Cornelius Group and Plastic Ono Band.
With Yuko Araki, Petra Haden and Yuka Honda they make the group ”If by yes”.He play with Mike Watt, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Sean Lennon, David Byrne, Lou Reed, Nels Cline,Ornette Coleman…

その中で、ようやく長年、当社の夢でありましたオリジナルブランドの開発・製作に着手することとなり、今日まで当社を支えて頑張ってくれている技術・経験共に申し分がない塩入 朝祐にその開発・製作を託しました。
完成に至るまでは決して順調な道のりではなく、"納得がいく音をつくる"という点が最大の課題となりました。試行錯誤を繰り返し、もどかしい日々だけが経過していく・・・。ちょうどそのような矢先、とあることをきっかけに清水ひろたか氏とのご縁があり、ご協力をいただけたことで自信を持ってお客様にお奨めができるオリジナル "Shior (シオー) " が完成いたしました。是非、弾いてみて下さい。是非、聴いてみて下さい。
これからも "お客様に長くご愛用をいただける製品づくり" をモットーに、一同より一層努めてまいります。そして Shior 完成に至るまでにご尽力下さった多くの皆様へ心より感謝申し上げます。
設立 昭和55年10月1日
代表取締役 丸山洋海
所在地 長野県松本市波田
その中で、ようやく長年、当社の夢でありましたオリジナルブランドの開発・製作に着手することとなり、今日まで当社を支えて頑張ってくれている技術・経験共に申し分がない塩入 朝祐にその開発・製作を託しました。
完成に至るまでは決して順調な道のりではなく、"納得がいく音をつくる"という点が最大の課題となりました。試行錯誤を繰り返し、もどかしい日々だけが経過していく・・・。ちょうどそのような矢先、とあることをきっかけに清水ひろたか氏とのご縁があり、ご協力をいただけたことで自信を持ってお客様にお奨めができるオリジナル "Shior (シオー) " が完成いたしました。是非、弾いてみて下さい。是非、聴いてみて下さい。
これからも "お客様に長くご愛用をいただける製品づくり" をモットーに、一同より一層努めてまいります。そして Shior 完成に至るまでにご尽力下さった多くの皆様へ心より感謝申し上げます。
設立 昭和55年10月1日
代表取締役 丸山洋海
所在地 長野県松本市波田
We would like to sincerely express our gratitude for your regular patronage of Yama Gakki products. 40 years have already passed since establishing ourselves as an electric guitar manufacturing company.
This is entirely due to everyone’s support, whom we cannot appreciate enough. Thanks to you, we have been able to continue selling our original goods online for over 10 years, while also focusing on OEM production of necks and bodies.
During that time, we have at long last managed to undertake our dream of developing and manufacturing our original brand - entrusting it to Tomohiro Shioiri who has, until this day, supported and worked hard for our company with his skills and experience. It has certainly not been an easy path to accomplish this goal, with our largest project being to “create a satisfactory sound.” There has been repeated trial and error, as well as many frustrating days. Right around that time, by some chance, we made a connection with Hirotaka Shimizu, whose cooperation gave us the confidence to complete an original brand we could recommend to our customers, “Shior.” By all means, strum a chord and have a listen.
From here on out, we will continue to work even harder, “Making products our customers can regularly use for a long time” as our motto. Finally, we’d like to express our deepest gratitude to all who supported us up until completing Shior.
Foundation - October 1, 1980
Managing Director - Hiromi Maruyama
Location - Hata, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture
This is entirely due to everyone’s support, whom we cannot appreciate enough. Thanks to you, we have been able to continue selling our original goods online for over 10 years, while also focusing on OEM production of necks and bodies.
During that time, we have at long last managed to undertake our dream of developing and manufacturing our original brand - entrusting it to Tomohiro Shioiri who has, until this day, supported and worked hard for our company with his skills and experience. It has certainly not been an easy path to accomplish this goal, with our largest project being to “create a satisfactory sound.” There has been repeated trial and error, as well as many frustrating days. Right around that time, by some chance, we made a connection with Hirotaka Shimizu, whose cooperation gave us the confidence to complete an original brand we could recommend to our customers, “Shior.” By all means, strum a chord and have a listen.
From here on out, we will continue to work even harder, “Making products our customers can regularly use for a long time” as our motto. Finally, we’d like to express our deepest gratitude to all who supported us up until completing Shior.
Foundation - October 1, 1980
Managing Director - Hiromi Maruyama
Location - Hata, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture